Speed up your web site’s online performance by making use of a Semi-dedicated Servers In The US.

With Tech9ine.com, you are able to use our Semi-dedicated Servers In The US. They are an exclusive mix of shared hosting accounts and dedicated server. They provide the power of a dedicated server but do not require any kind of server administration duties and substantial monthly fees. Additionally, your semi–dedicated server is going to be hosted inside our state–of–the–art US based data center at the very center of Chicago, Illinois.

With the semi-dedicated servers located in our US based data center, you are able to take advantage of superb connectivity and power options that the data center is offering. We have furthermore created our custom inhouse network by using solely enterprise class hardware components from Juniper. By doing this, we can easily ensure a 99.9% network uptime with each and every Semi-dedicated Servers In The US.

All of our Semi-dedicated Servers In The US include our no charge Tech9ine.com Web Control Panel , which was designed to run wholly within the cloud. Therefore, you are free to use the Web Control Panel, but your semi–dedicated server does not need to really invest any resources to support it. All the power is available to your web site solely. Another essential thing about the Tech9ine.com Web Control Panel is that it is loaded with free of charge tools that will noticeably raise the overall effectiveness of your online presence. As an illustration, you are able to make use of our set of website accelerators that enable client–side caching and that will boost your website. You may also make use of our real time statistics tool, that will begin obtaining statistics instantly the second your website gets online. Plus, zero setup work is necessary from your site.

Other US Hosting Services

Our US based data center is also home of a number of other web hosting services besides our US semi–dedicated servers. We supply cloud hosting packages built around an exclusive cloud hosting platform. Every Shared Hosting In The US package boasts a free domain name and unmetered disk space & traffic allocations. You could also pick our VPS Servers In The US, which feature NVMe storage delivering unequalled file access speed. You can go with a Dedicated Servers In The US – the top web hosting solution in case you have a live video streaming web site or a CPU–intensive application.