.COM.CN Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .COM.CN registration C$26.75 C$53.50 C$80.25 C$107.00 C$133.75 C$160.50 C$187.25 C$214.00 C$240.75 C$267.50
.COM.CN with hosting C$17.57 C$44.32 C$71.07 C$97.82 C$124.57 C$151.32 C$178.07 C$204.82 C$231.57 C$258.32

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.COM.CN no yes (EPP) yes no 1-10 years

Registering .COM.CN Domains

To achieve top local search rankings in People's Republic of China, you'll need a .COM.CN domain name. Thus, your website will rank higher in popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo. What's more, it will attract more site visitors from People's Republic of China, because it will be perceived as being a local site and will be accessed much more often by local residents.

Order your .COM.CN domain from Tech9ine.com for just C$26.75 per year!

.COM.CN Domain Name Management with Tech9ine.com

Tech9ine.com is at your service to help you learn how domain name administration is evolved from a a time and effort taking duty to a quick and easy task. Using the Domain Manager interface, provided absolutely free with every new domain name registration, you'll have the power to manage everything relevant to your domains (DNS records, WHOIS details, etcetera) by using a time and effort saving interface. And not only that - our Domain Manager is made to operate multiple domain names at once, enabling you to control all your domain names from just a single location.