.ORG.CN Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .ORG.CN registration C$26.75 C$53.50 C$80.25 C$107.00 C$133.75 C$160.50 C$187.25 C$214.00 C$240.75 C$267.50
.ORG.CN with hosting C$17.57 C$44.32 C$71.07 C$97.82 C$124.57 C$151.32 C$178.07 C$204.82 C$231.57 C$258.32

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.ORG.CN no yes (EPP) yes no 1-10 years

.ORG.CN Domains Registration

.ORG.CN is the country-code TLD for People's Republic of China and it's available for only C$26.75 a year at Tech9ine.com. You can register a .ORG.CN domain for up to 10 years with our company. By selecting a .ORG.CN domain, your site will get much better recognition in People's Republic of China, as websites with ccTLD extensions are typically ranked higher in local search results.

.ORG.CN Domain Name Management with Tech9ine.com

Using Tech9ine.com's Web Hosting Control Panel-integrated Domain Manager, you can not only register .ORG.CN domains at budget-friendly prices, but you can also control them together with your websites (if you have any) and never have to log in to a different Control Panel. The DNS settings and also the WHOIS information pertaining to your .ORG.CN domains will be completely under your control, and so are various other important settings. You can lock all of your domain names with a couple of mouse-clicks and unlock them just as easily - if you choose to change registrars later.

Save time and energy with Tech9ine.com's versatile domain and web site management solutions!