• Help Center
  • Easy to Get

  • Purchasing a unique SSL certificate is definitely easy. All you’re required to carry out is fill in the submission form in the Web Control Panel. No reason to apply for an account with a third party corporation, no need to waste time waiting for days and nights for one’s SSL to become set.

  • Easy to Install
  • Easy to Install

  • Installing and configuring an SSL Certificate by hand can be pretty difficult in addition to complicated. This is exactly why, in case your domain name is hosted in an account with us, you get your new SSL certificate set up easily. Basically no setup is needed at all – our smart system will do all the work and setup for you.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • 24x7 Support

  • The 24x7 support group is always on line, willing to assist you. In case you have doubts about your current SSL certificate, or require assistance setting it up for your personal web site, we’re available to help you out. And, in addition we have an regular response time of well under 20 minutes.

SSL Prices

Swipe left & right to view all SSLs
SSL 1 year
Regular SSL C$27.19
Wildcard SSL C$156.01

SSL Services with Tech9ine.com

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is unarguably a must if you’re planning to set up or currently have a web store. The purpose is to try to effectively encrypt the connection in between your customer along with the site. In this manner, all of the info can be sent in a very risk–free setting, drastically decreasing the possibility of credit card theft or information misuse.

SSL Services are, additionally very useful if you’re planning to give your clients admission to an administrative zone. When you have protected the logon form with an SSL, the account info will be transmitted in a very secure way.

All SSL Services generated by Tech9ine.com rely on top–ranked standards. We join forces with Sectigo to supply a genuine 2048–bit encryption plus a $10 000 USD warranty for every SSL. Different SSL Services are granted in only 30 minutes following your order and the configuration is generally uncomplicated. It’s also possible to elect to get your own SSL certificate installed by us if your main site is hosted with us.

Besides common SSL Services, we have wildcard SSLs. A wildcard SSL certificate will be effective for all subdomains of the domain name, whereas a normal SSL certificate will work for just one host. Wildcard SSL Services are very handy for those who have a big web site that has an administrative area, an e–shop with a forum, and you wish to protect them all via just one certificate.

You will get an SSL certificate with all of our web hosting services – shared hosting, VPS servers, semi-dedicated servers, and dedicated servers.

Whois Privacy Protection

Shield the publicly published details linked with your domain

When you register a domain, the WHOIS info associated with it, by default, becomes instantly accessible to the public eye. In the Domain Manager included in your Control Panel, you can find a WHOIS protection feature that can help you conceal your personal details by substituting them with our contact info.

The WHOIS protection feature is available with the majority of the TLDs offered on our website: .com, .info, .biz, .net, .org, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv, .pro, .cc.

Whois Privacy Protection

Wildcard Domains

Wildcard domain service with simply a mouse click

If you want to use WordPress MultiSite or some other multi–site web application, or even if you want to stop users from mistyping the ’www.’ part of your domain, you can make use of the wildcard domain activation options offered by our Domain Manager tool.

With the Wildcard feature included in the Domain Manager, you’ll be able to forward all the hosts and sub–domains under a particular domain name, for example – blog.domain.com or forum.domain.com, to the main page of your web site.

Wildcard Domains

Domain Parking

Domain parking designed simple

You will be able to park an active domain name by pointing it to one of Tech9ine.com’s two domain parking themes – For Sale or Under Construction. The domain name parking process is really simple and will take effect momentarily. You’ll be able to park as many domains as you need. And in case you want to to un–park the domain name – you can achieve it with one single click of the mouse.

Moreover, you can tweak our two domain parking themes using custom images and messages to make them more personalized.

Domain Parking

Bulk Domain Name Registration Options

Speedily register numerous domains

To establish a brand on the web, often you have to get several domain names at once – new–brand.com, new–brand.net, and so on. Because of this, our company offers an intuitive bulk domain name registration tool. It allows you to register an unlimited number of domains simultaneously.

You may use the same WHOIS information for each and every domain name or enter different WHOIS details for the domain names that you desire to register.

Bulk Domain Name Registration Options

Domain Name Redirection

Domain name redirection created easy to understand

The domain redirection tool that is integrated into Tech9ine.com’s web hosting Control Panel allows you to point a domain or a sub–domain in your account to some other website of your choosing. All you have to do is choose the host you want to forward and the preferred destination path itself. Our system will take care of the forwarding procedure and your domain will start pointing to the desired location straight away.

The tool boasts a simple–to–use interface, so you’ll be able to forward a given domain or subdomain with just a couple of clicks instead of making complex .htaccess file modifications.

Domain Name Redirection

DNS Record Control

Get complete control over your DNS adjustments

From the Domain Manager section of the Control Panel, you will exert total authority over your domain’s DNS records. You’ll be able to effortlessly modify a variety of DNS resource records, including A, AAAA, MX, NS, CNAME, SRV and TXT records. Setting new DNS resource records and editing them if needed is really easy. Just fill in the desired value and hit the Add button. A few hours will be needed for the newly specified DNS records to be propagated all over the world. In case you have to convert a DNS record to its former status, you can also accomplish that with one click of the mouse.

Additionally, the Domain Manager tool allows you to register nameservers for your domain or to point visitors to different sections of your site based on their country of origin.

DNS Record Control
  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - C$51.72/year
  • .BARGAINS - C$47.86/year
  • .CAFE - C$56.35/year
  • Compare Domain Names