A Point & Click Web Control Panel

With the Web Control Panel, we want to prove that site administration doesn’t need to be hard. In reality, it could be rather easy and intuitive.

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A Point & Click Web Control Panel
Unlimited Resources

Irrespective of how much hard drive space or monthly bandwidth your sites require – we’ve got your back. With unrestricted resources available to you, you’ll no longer have to panic about traffic spikes or large files.

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Unlimited Resources
Shared Hosting Platform

Our shared hosting platform is the cornerstone of our online business. It’s remarkably stable, dependable and safe. This is what permits us to guarantee a 99.9% uptime and to fulfill our promise.

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Shared Hosting Platform
Multiple Data Centers

Select where to host your website – in the United States of America, in Britain, in Eastern Europe or in Australia. Take advantage of stupefyingly fast site load speeds thanks to the enterprise–level data centers we have chosen – the Colohouse data center in the United States of America, the UK Servers data center in England, the Ficolo data center in Finland, the S3 data center in Bulgaria, and the Amaze data center in Australia.

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Multiple Data Centers
A Drag–and–Drop File Manager

The File Manager built into the Web Control Panel permits you to upload files via a secure connection by merely dragging them to your web browser.

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A Drag–and–Drop File Manager
Applications Installer

Software application installation is duck soup finally – no more searching for the latest release and taking care of software installation and setup procedures. Our Applications Installer software tool enables you to install 40+ famous web apps with one mouse click. No further setup is required.

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Applications Installer
Website Accelerators

In case, regardless of what you’re doing, your site still continues to load slowly, we’ve got an ideal solution for you. With all our cloud hosting plans, you will find an array of web accelerator instruments that will make your web site insanely fast.

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Website Accelerators
A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

When we mention that our shared hosting service is riskless, we do not only envision our 99.9% uptime guarantee. If you do not like our services, you will be able to request a full refund during the first 4 weeks of your subscription, without any strings attached.

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A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
24x7 Support

If you have ever been forced to wait for hours for a customer support team member to answer, you’re aware of how annoying that is. At Tech9ine.com, we do everything in a different way. We offer a 24x7 support service with a 60–minute client support ticket response guarantee. Our average ticket response time is under twenty minutes.

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24x7 Support